Search: “John Carter” (Page 1 of 6)

We found 58 results for your search.

Bobby Bradford & John Carter 1975

BOBBY BRADFORD & JOHN CARTER 1975 Now that his gem from the vaults has been released on CD by Dark Tree Records under the title No U Turn (DT-RS-05) I thought to ask Bobby to explain what these compositions are about. We sat down in his studio in Altadena early afternoon of August 13, 2o15 […]

John Carter & Echoes from Rudolph’s

John Carter and his yellow 1963 bathtub Porsche — June 16, 1984 Hollywood Bowl — photo by Mark Weber JOHN CARTER & ECHOES FROM RUDOLPH’s Liner notes for a Re-issue Bobby would show up in his Camaro. John’s 63 yellow bathtub Porsche would already be parked in the little parkinglot out back — this is […]

The Coda interview with John Carter | 1976

John Carter at home, 3900 Carol Court, Culver City 90230 | August 31, 1976 (during the CODA interview) | Photo by Mark Weber MARK WEBER: Ornette’s early music sure caused a stir, how did you observe that? Looking at it now it’s obvious how blues based it is. JOHN CARTER: Yes it’s real folksy music. […]

Dick Barnes | John Wallace Carter II, 1929 – 1991

Dick Barnes in his office at Pomona College, Claremont, California | March 11, 1995 | Photo by Mark Weber John Carter at Little Big Horn, Pasadena, California | December 1976 | Photos by Mark Weber John Carter at Little Big Horn, Pasadena, California | December 1976 | Photos by Mark Weber John Carter at Little […]

Los Angeles in the 1970s

I grew up in the vast suburbs of Los Angeles, on the east side of that metropolis, mostly dependent on radio to keep me hooked in —- In those nascent days of the late 60s early 70s you’d find the concert listings in the Sunday Calendar section of the LATIMES, and I’d be astounded to […]

Damn Strange

No comment —- photo by MW September 29, 1991 New Mexico December 26, 2o19 Jazz @ Noon every Thursday (starts at 12:07 after the satellite news) Host MARK WEBER KUNM Albuquerque, USA 89.9 FM (Mountain Standard Time) also streaming on the web Current time zone offset: UTC*/GMT -6 hours (*Coordinated Universal Time)/Greenwich Mean Time) […]

In The World

See those radio & television broadcast towers to the left? That’s KUNM’s signal shooting out over the state of New Mexico, and in this shot, that’s Albuquerque, that dark swatch is the Rio Grande of yore —- Sandia Crest —- September 2, 2o19 — photo by Mark Weber at 10,679 feet elevation. October 3, 2o19 […]

SUPERSAX – The Band That Played Bird

was a big deal. In Los Angeles there was a lot of buzz about this band that intended to play the music of Charlie Parker. The jazz radio stations kept us apprised of their impending flight. And it was a big deal that they set for themselves, to play the music of Charlie Parker is […]

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